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Quatar e commerce market

QATAR enjoys a favorable environment for e-commerce adoption.It includes population with high levels of disposable income; high Internet, mobile, and fixed connectivity; and increasing ICT maturity. However, several key inhibitors are stopping Qatar from realizing its full e-commerce potential E Commerce also Contributes to Achieving Qatar’s National Vision. Qatari economy is one of MENA’s fastest-growing economies and boasts the world’s highest gross domestic product (GDP). Certain factors have translated into the highest average annual e-commerce spend per user in the MENA region and an average value per online transaction higher than the Gulf Cooperation Council’s (GCC) average. The business-to-consumer market was USD 1.2 billion as extrapulated from the 2014 figure of USD 1.02 billion at %17 CAGR, making Qatar the 7th-largest B2Cmarket in the MENA region in the year of 2015. Currently, Qatar is the 7th largest B2C Market in MENA; with tremendous uplift potential. There the B2C market is the seventh-largest in MENA, with a current market size of nearly USD 1.2 billion and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17 percent over the next four years, in line with the MENA average and B2C market segmentation is also in line with the overall MENA B2C market split.

According to the latest SME survey launched by MOTC in 2015, the adoption of B2B e-commerce is generally low with only 7 percent of small to medium-size enterprises (SMEs) placing online orders. Here most payments are made on a cash-on delivery basis, and there are limited e-payment . When considering the Eco system lack of tools and shared solutions to facilitate the e-commerce start-up process and the concerns about trust and security require certifications, trustmarks, and customer support.

A flexible framework was designed to ensure successful growth and adoption of e-commerce in Qatar, to overcome the identified obstacles and realize the substantial benefits of e-commerce. Qatar has the potential to double its forecasted e-commerce market size by 2020 through dedicated government interventions. For more


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