E-commerce business models can generally be categorized into the many categories such as Business - to - Business ( B2B ), Business - to - Consumer (B2C) , Consumer - to - Consumer (C2C), Consumer - to - Business (C2B), Business - to - Government (B2G), Government - to - Business (G2B), Government - to - Citizen (G2C) etc. Business - to – Business model sells its products to an intermediate buyer who then sells the product to the final customer. An example include a wholesaler places an order from a company's website and after receiving the consignment, sells the end product to the final customer who comes to buy the product at one of its retail outlets. Business - to – Consumer model sells its products directly to a customer. Consumer - to – Consumer business model helps consumers to sell their assets like residential property, cars, motorcycles, etc., or rent a room by publishing their information on the website. In Consumer - to – Business a consumer approach...